Our Awards

Governor's Award for Excellence in S.T.E.M. Education

The Ohio Academy of Science selected Saint Rita School to receive the Governor’s Thomas Edison Award for Excellence in STEM Education. This accomplishment recognizes classes preschool through grade eight for having outstanding STEM mastery and integration.

The Ohio Academy of Science initiated this educational partnership program in cooperation with the Office of the Governor and the Technology Division of The Ohio Development Services Agency to recognize schools and teachers who stimulate student scientific and technological research and extend STEM education opportunities beyond traditional classroom activities.

STEM Education is both the mastery and integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for all PK-12 students. It incorporates scientific inquiry and technological design through student-focused, project-based curricula to develop skills of communication, team work and collaboration, creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving.

"Receiving a Governor's Thomas Edison Award for Excellence sends a clear signal that these schools and teachers value student-originated, inquiry-based science and technology education," said Dr. Lynn E. Elfner, the Academy's CEO. "Whole new worlds of opportunities open up to students when they complete research or technological design projects and have them assessed by the professional STEM community."

Congratulations to all involved for making Saint Rita School a school of Excellence in STEM Education!


Blue Ribbon Award

The U.S. Department of Education’s National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes schools where students perform at very high levels of academic achievement. Saint Rita School students consistently perform in or above 10% of the nation’s schools in both reading and mathematics. A National Blue Ribbon Award, awarded to selected schools, has become a trademark of excellence and a symbol of quality recognized by everyone from parents to policy-makers in thousands of communities across the nation.